Add Remote Agent

Add Remote Agent


Any Phone terminal extension can be a remote agent in a queue. Remote users can connect as agents to a queue, but they cannot be queue supervisors.

Add agent

To add a remote agent:

  1. From the queue context access Queue AgentsAdd Remote Agent.

  2. Fill in the following information in the Add Remote Agent pop-up window.

    • Name: Specify a descriptive name for the remote agent. The Name value can be numeric as well.

    • Agent ID: The numeric value defined here represents the unique identification number associated to the remote agent. Anytime the user will try to connect to the system, he will be required to provide this ID in order for the application to identify him as a queue agent. The Agent ID value must have between 1 and 10 digits.

    • Require authorization to connect to queue: Select to enable the password authentication login. The agent will be required to dial the PIN code before connecting to the queue. If disabled, the following two fields are grayed out.

    • Queue login PIN: Specify the PIN code the user will be required to provide when trying to log in as a queue agent. The numeric values must have between 2 and 10 digits.

    • Penalty: This parameter is used to differentiate agents when an incoming call is received. The call distribution algorithm will be applied to the agents with the lowest penalty number. If the are no agents with the lowest penalty number available, the algorithm will be applied to the agents with the next higher penalty number. The values that can be selected from the drop-down list range from 0 - the most calls will be assigned to this agent to 100 - the biggest penalty level, causing the fewest received calls to be assigned by the distribution algorithm to this agent. Default: 0. You can later modify this value directly from the Queue Agents Information table.

    • Registration: Choose how the remote user's registration will be made:

      • Static (enter below) - The user will be able to log in only from his phone terminal associated to the Agent phone number specified below.

      • Dynamic (login phone number) - The registration will be made dynamically and the user will be able to log in to the queue from any phone terminal, regardless its number.

    • Agent phone number: If you have chosen the Static registration method, you will have to fill in the public phone number associated to this remote user.

    • Require confirmation on taking calls: Select to prevent missing the call when the remote agent uses a mobile phone and his voicemail answers. If confirmation is required, then the caller will be able to leave a message to the remote agent's voicemail.

  3. To save settings, click OK. To close the panel without adding the agent, click Cancel.

  4. The remote agent will have to call a Queue login center extension, dial the AgentID followed by the # key and the login PIN of the queue he wishes to connect to.

  5. If the authentication is successful, the remote agent will be logged in to the queue and will behave like a local agent.