Feeding page with MeloText

Feeding page with MeloText

When the MeloText feature is enabled on the campaign (see wiki Editing Campaign), the Agent will be able to take advantage of the following features from our MeloText service.

Auto-Check Contact

This feature will automatically check whether the number of a viewed lead is subscribed or not. See the examples below

  • If the lead is NOT subscribed, you will see the Subscribe button.


  • If the lead IS already subscribed, you will see the Subscribed button.

Subscribe Contact

Allows users to subscribe a contact on a viewed lead.
If Subscribe Contact is disabled, the Subscribe button will have a light blue color and will not be clickable

Add Appointment

This feature will allow the Agent to create an appointment from the subscribed lead, and add the appointment to the MeloText service. To add an appointment, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on Add Appointment


  2. The Add Appointment window will be prompted


  3. In the Appointment Date section, select the date to set the appointment


  4. In the Status section, select the status of the appointment (Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Cancelled or Rescheduled)


  5. Click on Submit to add the appointment in MeloText

Send SMS

Allows users to send SMS messages to subscribed contacts. Simply click on the Send SMS button

If the Edit SMS Draft Message is enabled in the campaign, the following prompt will be display to allows users to edit the draft message to be sent.

After you have the desired message, click Submit to send SMS