Adding New Campaign

Adding New Campaign

In the ADD CAMPAIGN section, you can add campaigns, scripts, specify email marketing scripts as well as assign agents to campaigns.

To add a new campaign, follow the steps given below:

1.  Navigate to CONTROLS > CAMPAIGN

The ADD CAMPAIGN page will be displayed. Click to expand Add Campaign settings

Refer to the table below for field descriptions and restrictions:




Campaign Name

Refers to the short name to briefly describe the purpose of the campaign


Call Script

Refers to the script / content a representative will use to market the product to the customer.

Alphanumeric, Special Characters

Caller ID Name Display

Refers to the business name that will be displayed on the caller ID of the client


Phone Number

Refers to the phone number that will be displayed on the caller ID of the client

Exactly 10 digit Numeric


Refers to the province name. The province selected will determine whether call recordings are enabled or disabled, and set up the Starting hours.

For more information regarding Provinces, refer to State/Province section.


2.  Enter a name for the campaign in the Campaign Name field.

3.  Enter the call script for the campaign in the Call Script field.

4.  Select the required province type for the campaign from Province drop-down list.

5.  Enter the Caller ID that you want to display on the client caller ID, in the Caller Identification field.

6.  (Optional) If you wish set up email marketing for the campaign, toggle the Email Marketing switch.

7.  Select the Users to be assign to the campaign from the Assignable Users column. User who are already assigned to the campaign will appear in the Assigned Users column

8.  Import leads for the campaign, click BROWSE FOR .CSV

Note: When importing leads from a .csv file, adhere to the following rules:

  • The field titles in the lead database will be based off the Column Title name in the .csv file. Make sure you name them appropriately.
  • Your CSV should not have an additional commas ( , ). If you have additional commas in your list, it may fail to import properly.
  • No special characters must be present in the .csv file (excluding email column which accepts '@' sign)
  • Phone number fields should only be 10-11 digits numeric characters and should NOT contain any - dashes or ( ) brackets or + plus characters.
  • Empty fields can be included to provide the ability to add information you want to collect about the client at a later time. (E.g email or extension number)
  • Do NOT include empty rows or columns in the .csv file.
  • Max file size of 1MB

The Open dialog will be displayed.

Select the required .csv file and click Open. Leads from the selected file will be imported. After uploading the campaign, you can set fields to be visible or hidden. Fields that are set to Visible will be available when an agent views the lead and fields that are set to Hidden will not be viewable when a lead is fed. However, when you export the whole campaign, all the fields will be visible. 

9.  If needed, specify the Pre-Defined Fields, Pre-defined fields are used to drastically improve performance in queries where the most important fields are present. It also helps connecting automatic fetching services to phone numbers.
If your fields' names are self-evident, then DaFeeder will detect them automatically

10.  Click Add Campaign.

The new campaign will be added / created.

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