Authorization Overview

Authorization Overview

The Authorization section allows you to manage IP security within DaFeeder. You can enable or disable IP lock in this section. When the IP lock is enabled, DaFeeder can be accessed only from authorized IP address(es). 

IP Lock should not be enabled unless Dafeeder is connecting through a static IP address. Internet service providers issue new IP addresses frequently and if this happens Dafeeder will become inaccessible.

To manage IP authorization settings, follow the steps given below:


The IP Authorization Settings page will be displayed.

Note: Enabling IP Lock will take effect immediately and all the IP addresses which are not added as authorized IP addresses will not be able to access DaFeeder. If your IP address is not added as authorized IP address you will lock yourself out of DaFeeder.

2.  Toggle the Enable IP Lock switch.

The IP lock will be enabled. 

3.  To authorize an IP address, click Add IPv4 Address.

The fields to add the IP address will be displayed.

4.  Enter the IP address and description in the respective fields.

5.  Click Save Changes.

The IP address will be added as an authorized IP address.

6.  To remove an authorized IP address, click Remove in the row of the IP address that you wish to remove.

The IP address will be removed from the list of authorized IP addresses.