Adding Acknowledgement

Adding Acknowledgement

You can add a new acknowledgement. To do so, follow the steps given below:


The ADD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT page will be displayed.

The table below provides a brief description on the possible options and parameters on how to create an acknowledgement.




Specifies whether the acknowledgement applies to a specific campaign or if it will be shown globally for every campaign. 

Global - The acknowledgement will be shown on all campaigns.

Individual Campaign - The acknowledgement will be shown only on the campaign selected.


Specifies whether acknowledgement will be shown only when the agent accesses the campaign for the first time or if the acknowledgement will be shown daily.

One time only - The acknowledgement will be displayed only once and will not be displayed once it is read and accepted.

Daily - The acknowledgement will pop up every day when the agent accesses the campaign.

Show Script

Specifies whether the calling script can be accessed by the agent or not. If this option is enabled, the calling script of the campaign will be accessible and viewable from the acknowledgement pop up itself. This is useful for times when the acknowledgement is about changes in the calling script itself, hence the agents working on the campaign can directly view the changes to the calling script from the acknowledgement.


Refers to the title of the acknowledgement to describe the purpose of the displayed acknowledgement. Title is displayed on top of the Acknowledgement dialog.


Refers to the content of the acknowledgement that you want the agent to read and be aware of before accessing the campaign.

2.  Select the campaign and type of the acknowledgement from the Campaign and Type fields respectively.

3.  Enter title of the  acknowledgement in the Title field.

4.  Enter the content of the acknowledgement in the Content field.

5.  Click Add Acknowledgement.

The new acknowledgement will be added and will be displayed in the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section in the ADD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT page.