The EDIT CAMPAIGN page will be displayed
- Name: You can edit the name of the current campaign
- Call Script: Add or edit the scrip for Agents to use when calling lead from the current campaign
- Province: Select the Province for the current campaign
- Default Caller ID:
- Enable Dynamic Caller IDs:
- Enable Email Marketing:
- Email Subject:
- From:
- Reply To:
- BCC (comma separated):
- Email Body:
- Users:
- Assigned Users Can Add Leads:
- Enable MeloText Features:
- Auto-Check Contact:
- Subscribe Contact:
- Add Appointment:
- Group:
- Send Voice:
- Send Voice From Number:
- Voice Draft Message:
- Edit Voice Draff Message:
- Text-to-Voice Language:
- Pause (seconds):
- Repeat Message:
- Send SMS:
- Send SMS From Number:
- SMS Draftp Message:
- Edit SMS Draft Message:
- IVR Forward Nuber:
- Schedule Broadcast At:
- Add New Field:
- Name:
- Type:
- Visible:
- Pre-Defined Fields:
3. Edit the values of required fields. For more information on the fields, refer to Adding New Campaign section.
4. Click Save Campaign.
The campaign details will be updated.