Subs (By Keyword) Monthly
The Subs (By Keyword) Monthly section provides valuable information on the number of subscribers via specific Keywords monthly for the current year. Since you can setup multiple keywords in the platform, this will show you what keywords have the best response rate. You can view the statistics in the form of a bar chart or line chart or just the raw data. Each type of user is represented by different color on the chart.
Navigate to Dashboard>SUBS (BY KEYWORD) Monthly.
Expand or hide the chart by clicking the Collapse/Expand () button in the top right corner of the section.
Click View Data () icon on the right corner of the chart. This option shows the statistics in the data form.
You can even edit the numbers in raw data form and see how it changes in the graph also.Click Close.
Line Chart
This option shows the statistics in the form of a line chart. Click Line Chart () icon in the right corner of the chart.
The Line Chart will be displayed.Bar Chart
This option shows the statistics in the bar chart form. Click Bar Chart () icon in the right corner of the chart.
The Bar Chart will be displayed.Save Image
To save the image, click Save Image ().The selected image will be saved.