The Campaign Chart displays the statistics for the campaign. The statistics are displayed in the form of 2 pie charts - Per Type and Per Disposition.
The Per Type pie chart is categorized based on the type (status) of the leads in the campaign. It divides the pie chart based on their status. The different types/status are listed in the table below:
Types | Description |
Open | Leads in the campaign that have not been worked on or actioned |
Closed | Leads that have been closed and will no longer be fed to the agents working on the campaign |
In Progress | Leads that have been worked on or actioned at least once before and have not been closed |
Conversions | Leads that have been converted into sales or potential sales |
The Per Disposition pie chart displays the leads according to their dispositions. It divides the graph according to the last disposition set on the lead. The disposition type depends on the different dispositions that the user has created in his DaFeeder account.
To view the campaign chart, follow the steps given below:
The CAMPAIGNS page will be displayed.
2. Click () in the row of the campaign for which you wish to view the campaign chart.
The Campaign Chart dialog will be displayed.
3. To view the exact number of leads in a type or disposition, hover over one of the slices of the pie chart.