You have the ability to manually add and import appointments into the system via a .CSV file upload. If you already have a list of appointments maintained somewhere and would like to upload these appointments in 1 fell swoop without adding them 1 by 1, you can do that with our bulk import feature.
To import contacts, follow the steps given below.
Navigate to Appointments>Import Appointments.
The Appointments page will be displayed.Click Browse button to upload contacts.
The standard Open dialog will be displayed.Select the file you wish to upload and click Open.
Note: Upload CSV file only - The 1st row of the file should be a header row. 1st column is contact phone number, 2nd column is appt date/time, 3rd column is status.
Note: NO spaces, dashes, or parentheses in phone numbers. Include country code in the number
Appt date/time format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm AM/PM - EXAMPLE: 2018-09-25 12:30 PM
Available statuses: Confirmed, Unconfirmed, Cancelled, Reschedule
Please save your appointment settings before importing your appointments so that all statuses are saved.
The selected CSV file will be uploaded.