Load the campaign you want to add a lead to and click "Add Lead".
This is exceptionally helpful if you want to add drip leads to existing campaigns.
Maybe you keep a regular campaign for new customer followups.
Add the new customers to your campaign and the next available representative will be calling it while working in that specific campaign.
Pick the campaign that will contain the new lead.
Note: All the existing fields in the campaign will be empty for all pre-existing options that will be displayed for that campaign that has have selected.
Select + Add Lead
After selecting +Add Lead a prompt will pop up confirming that you wish to add a new lead to that particular campaign.
Select Yes to continue adding the lead manually, or select Cancel to continue working in the campaign that was previously selected.
Once completing the confirmation by selecting Yes, a blank copy of the clients information fields will be displayed.
Fill out the information by selecting the word 'Empty' next to the field being filled out.
Select the check mark to save the added information.
To edit the information select the fields text information that requires the change, and make the desired change selecting the check mark to save the new information.