Adding/Editing Mobile Splash Page

Adding/Editing Mobile Splash Page

You can add new Mobile Splash page with logo, image, and description. Choose various background and font colors for text, body, header and footer text areas. The changes can be made using Edit option.
To add or edit mobile splash page, follow the steps given below.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Mobile page Builder.
    The Mobile Splash Pages will be displayed.


  2. Select Add Mobile Splash Page from the Actions drop down list.
    The Create Mobile Splash page will be displayed.

  3. Enter the title of the page in the Title text entry box.

  4. Click Browse button to upload the header logo in the Header Logo field.

  5. Select the Header Background Color from the color pallet or enter in a hex color code.

  6. Select the Header Text Color from the color pallet or enter in a hex color code.

  7. Optionally upload an image file from the computer, in the Upload Image field. Once you have uploaded an image, it will generate a URL to where it was uploaded. You can then copy/paste this URL in the editor using the image button.

  8. Enter the description in the Description text entry box. This will contain the majority of your mobile-optimized splash page. This is a full-featured HTML editor which allows uploading images and inserting videos using YouTube embed code or the video URL. Control font colors, styles, and sizes, add bullet points and links.

  9. Select the Body Background Color from the color pallet or enter in a hex color code.

  10. Enter the HTML embed code for the Google maps in the Google Maps HTML Embed Code text entry box. This is optional and is great if sending invites to your subscribers to an event with a flyer or postcard, and include driving directions.

  11. Enter the footer text in the Footer Text entry box.

  12. Select the Footer Background Color from the color pallet or enter in a hex color code.

  13. Select the Footer Text Color from the color pallet or enter in a hex color code.

  14. Click Create Page.
    The new mobile splash page will be created.

  15. Click Edit button in the row of the mobile splash page you wish to edit.
    The Edit Mobile Splash page will be displayed.

  16. Make the necessary changes in the required fields.

  17. Click Save Page.

The changes made to the mobile splash page will be updated.