SMS Chat Overview
The SMS Chat module connects you or your customer service department to your mobile customers, via SMS! Have a 2-way chat with them, much like any instant messenger tool like Skype or GTalk, but communication will all be handled through SMS. SMS chat gives you the ability to actively engage with your clients, giving you new ways to reach out in real time.
Some of the benefits of 2-way SMS chat are improving customer support, giving companies an easy, fast and efficient way of interacting with customers. All communication is in real-time, so you can follow-up in a timely manner and see their responses almost immediately. Gather valuable feedback and make communication with your customers a 2-way street, all via SMS with an instant messenger interface!
Navigate to SMS Chat.
The SMS Chat page will be displayed. The most recent incoming messages from your contacts will be displayed at the top on the left panel that list your contacts. When on this page, you will hear an audible beep notification when a new incoming message arrives, along with a red bubble next to the contact indicating the number of new messages that contact has sent.