You can find provinces by navigating to CAMPAIGNS >> PROVINCES.
To set up call recording for a province, you need to fill out the ADD PROVINCE section. Enter the name of the Province/State, choose between yes and no for call recording, select the starting hour to record and click on Add Province to save.
To keep track of the different places that have different laws against or for call recording you can add them here.
Add Province
- Province/State Name: to identify each Province with their respective call recording settings
- Call Recording: from the drop down menu, select Yes to enable or No to disable
- Starting hours: will allow you to set a start time to record calls using a 24 hour clock format
Within the Province section it displays all the Provinces/States that you have enabled/disabled call recording for in the past. This is where you can authorize call recording for each Province/State by clicking Edit or to remove by clicking Delete
For example; in Ontario it is legal to record a phone call conversation, you would enter under Province/State section Ontario. Then from the Call Recording drop down menu you would set it to Yes and select the Starting Hour
In some Provinces and States it may be illegal to record phone calls. You will set up the specific Province/State as the example below
When uploading a campaign you can assign it to a Province/State and DaFeeder will follow if recording is on or off based on what you previously set it as in the Province section.