The purpose of the calendar is to give the representative Calendar provides a visual display representation of their the private callbacks and allows users to easily retrieve see the scheduled leads for callback. This gives you an insight of what to expect on a particular day, and hence you can plan your day ahead.
To access view the calendar, select the calendar follow the steps given below:
1. Click the () icon in the top right cornerMain Menu.
Upon entering the calendar by default the current month will be displayed along with any or all leads set as a Private Callback on their rightful dates with their scheduled times.
Depending on the type of user privilege viewing the calendar, it will change in appearance.
Adding events to the calendar
All events in the calendar are scheduled by setting a private callback.
Adding leads to the calendar can be found by reviewing Set Private Callback.
Privilege: Manager Calendar View
Privilege: Owner Calendar View
The CALENDAR page will be displayed.
The default calendar view is the Month view. All your leads within that month will appear on the scheduled callback day, in the order of the time of day the callback is scheduled for. Click a callback from the Calendar. You will be redirected to the Feed page for that specific lead. Once you have made a disposition, you will be redirected back to the Calendar page.
2. To view a different month, click (). To go back to the current month, click ().
Calendar View - Caller
Callers view is limited to their own callbacks. Any private callback for the Caller will appear in Green as shown below in the screenshot.
Calendar View - Manager
Managers view is limited to their own callbacks and any user who is assigned under the manager. Managers will see their own callbacks in Green and their assigned agents callbacks in Blue as shown below in the screenshot:
Calendar View - Owner
Owners view displays all the callback of all the users in their organization, even without any assignment.