In this section you can manage the campaigns you have already added to DaFeeder.
Find your list of campaigns by selecting Campaigns >> List Campaigns.
You will see a window similar to the one below with the different options to modify the campaign.
The table below summarizes the different columns in the above view:
Campaign Name
Campaign Chart
The campaign chart is accessed using the first action button in the above screenshot. This action will result in a display similar to the below figure with two different pie chats. One of the charts is categorized according to the type (status) of the leads in the campaign and the second pie chart is the display of the leads according to their dispositions. Furthermore, hovering over one of the slices of the pie chart will provide the exact number of leads in that type or disposition.
The Per Type chart divides the circular graph according to their status. The different types/status are listed in the table below.
The Per Disposition chart divides the graph according to the last disposition set on the lead. The disposition type will all depends on the different dispositions one has created in his DaFeeder.
Top Up
The Top Up option provides the ability to add more leads to an existing campaign. Selecting this option will prompt to upload a matching .csv template which will subsequently add more leads to the campaign.
Using the DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE button will create a .csv file that will have the different fields set in the original .csv file. The file will have empty rows and using the empty template will be an easy way to populate it to avoid errors.
The step process to use the DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE button is listed below:
- Click on the DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE button to download the empty .csv file with only the header row.
- Populate the columns in the downloaded .csv file with the values to be added to the campaign.
- Save and upload the completed .csv template to top up the Campaign.
Note:- When topping up the campaign, make sure that the columns of the uploaded file matches the one used to originally create the campaign.
Recycling dispositions is an easy and manual way of resetting previously dispositioned leads back to a status of Open. This will put the leads back in the campaign and the clients from the leads will be called again by the agents working in the campaign.
For instance, you can recycle all leads from a campaign that have been dispositioned as Not Interested and the affected leads will all go back from being in a Closed state to being Open once more.
When you select the Recycle option, a similar window to the screenshot below will appear and you will have the ability to select the leads to recycle based on the dispositions from the list. However, it is worthy to note that the dispositions available for recycling will be based on the specific dispositions of your organization and may appear differently than shown below.
An example of how the lead history of a recycled lead will look is shown below:
The below screenshot is an example of a lead from a campaign that had the disposition of Not Interested recycled. As shown below, a Recycled action will now be displayed in the lead history with the timestamp at which the recycling was initiated. The disposition of Not Interested will still be visible in the lead history, but the lead status will switch back from Closed to Open and will be fed from the campaign again.
In this section, you are able to view various reports describing the status, progress, dispositions and several information about the different leads.
Export .csv file which lists the leads that are in progress and will also provide information on the callback type (public or private) and also the scheduled callback time
Export .csv file which lists the all the leads in the campaign with the last 4 calls/dispositions set
Edit Campaign
Campaigns can be modified and edited in this section of the DaFeeder. However, modifying the .csv file imported can no longer be changed. It can only be topped up (see Top Up section).
In this window, several options of the campaign can be modified including the calling script, the Caller ID Display and the Phone Number. Moreover, an Email Marketing mail can also be created and added to the campaign which will be sent whenever the Email Marketing disposition is used the the representatives working on the campaign.
This is also the section in which agents/representatives will be assigned to work on the specific campaign. Agents can be added to the campaign by switching the toggle buttons next to the agents' names.
Delete Campaign
Deleting a campaign is permanent and cannot be reverted. After deleting the campaign, it will not be possible to retrieve the dispositions, the notes and any other actions performed in the leads of the campaign. Moreover, all the callbacks (both private and public) will no longer appear in the calendar.
To delete a campaign, select the Delete Button.
You will then receive a confirmation window and selecting YES will permanently remove the campaign from the DaFeeder.
Campaigns are critical for the success of businesses. The Campaigns section helps you to add new campaigns, add more leads, recycle dispositions and view reports. You can create custom campaigns based on the industry type or location to make sure that they contain leads you think would be best for your agents to contact. You can also assign specific campaigns based on time of day. Your phone agents will be able to select campaigns that are specifically assigned to them.
Once a campaign is selected, your agents can review the information about each of their leads in a very clear and concise manner. They can also update the lead information after each of their calls. This process works wonders in boosting sales because, with every call, more information about a lead can be obtained. It also helps other phone agents who may end up calling the same lead in the future. This way you can build a rapport and provide better customer service.