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To access and log into application, follow the steps given below.

  1. Open your favorite browser and enter the URL Then click the login link at the top right.
    The Login page will be displayed.

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  2. Enter the login credentials such as user name and password you entered at the time of registering with application.

  3. Click Login.
    The application dashboard will be displayed.

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    You can start exploring all the features within the application.
    Note: If the system is configured where you must pay an activation fee to activate your account, you will be taken to a separate page (screenshot below) where you can pay to have your account activated. Once payment is successfully made, your account will be activated and you will automatically be given some free credits to start with. You will then have access to getting your first (primary) number.

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  4. To log out of application interface, simply click the Logout option from the side bar in the left section or click Logout option from the username dropdown list on the top right corner of the screen.

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    You will be logged out of application.