Return Code | Description |
Contacts | List of contacts returned on successful API call. |
0 | 0 is passed back on successful API call. |
-1 | Invalid API key passed in. |
-2 | There was no number The group passed in is invalid or does not exist. |
-3 | Group and number requiredThe source passed in is invalid. Proper values are 0, 1, 2, 3. |
-4 | There was no group The subscribed passed in is invalid. Proper values are 0, 1. |
-5 | The group sortby passed in is invalid or does not exist in the group list. Proper values are name, phone_number, created. |
-6 | Other errorThe sortdir passed in is invalid. Proper values are asc, desc. |
-7 | Number is already subscribed for [group name]No contacts found. |
-20 | Level 1 does not have access to the API. API can only be used with Levels 2, 3, and 4. |